Outdoor sofa EstendoOutlet - RodaRoda outdoor 3 seater sofa mod. Estendo, frame in Smoke colour, upholstery in fabric Park Sand HD2, including 3 decorative cushions 50 x 50 in fabric Lane Curry/Sand. New product from the showroom. Dim: w.261 d.84 h.37/72Price56855747-35%Request information Nome * Cognome * Email * Telefono Città * Provincia * Messaggio * Read privacyHo letto e accetto le condizioni sulla privacygoogle_re_captcha* denotes required field ProdottiTi potrebbe interessare anche.Small armchair ViolaOutlet - Poltrona Frau24503770-35%Domino Next coffee tableOutlet - Molteni11902491-52%4 Ledermann chairsOutlet - Enrico Pellizzoni21353560-40%
Roda outdoor 3 seater sofa mod. Estendo, frame in Smoke colour, upholstery in fabric Park Sand HD2, including 3 decorative cushions 50 x 50 in fabric Lane Curry/Sand. New product from the showroom.
Dim: w.261 d.84 h.37/72
Outlet - Poltrona Frau
Outlet - Molteni
Outlet - Enrico Pellizzoni
Via Magnadola, 31 31045 Motta di LivenzaTREVISOPh. +39 0422 860417info@durantearredamenti.it
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